COAMWELD project - Technical data gathering
In the past, you have shown interest in the COAMWELD project, about the weldability of additively manufactured and conventional components. In order to tailor the project as much as possible to the needs of the participating companies, we are currently collecting technical data.
You are invited to fill in this questionnaire, so that we can take it into account when choosing the processes, materials, etc. to be investigated.
If this is more practical, you can also contact one of the project partners to provide this data during an (online) meeting. In this case, you can contact one of the contact persons below.
Some of you will also be contacted by us for a further discussion.
Thank you in advance for filling in this questionnaire. All data that you provide will only be used within the frame of the COAMWELD project, and will not be communicated outside the project group. If certain information is confidential, please let us know.
Koen Faes Belgian Welding Institute Tel.: +32 9 292.14.03 E-mail: |
Thomas Bschorr GSI Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International Niederlassung SLV München Tel.: +49 89 126802-79 E-mail: |
Benjamin Höller Technical University of Munich TUM School of Engineering and Design Chair of Materials Engineering of Additive Manufacturing Tel.: +49 89 289 55343 E-mail: |