The overall aim of the research project “LightBEE” is to develop a range of new high added-value battery components for the transport industry, using innovative joining technologies. Therefore, systematic and reliable knowledge and data will be generated about the applicability of promising joining processes for manufacturing of battery modules, carriers and sub-components. The optimised battery components should be lighter, having better safety properties, and produced more cost-effectively and more environmentally-friendly.
Magnetic pulse forming is a new, very innovative but nearly unknown production process. The Research Centre of the Belgian Welding Institute has started up a research project in 2008 to demonstrate the industrial advantages of this technique.
The focus in this research is on the application of two of the most important conventional cold joining techniques (clinching and self-piercing riveting) for new emerging lightweight materials.
Global trends are forcing industry to manufacture lighter, safer, more environmentally, more performant and cheaper products. In the automotive industry, weight reduction is pursued and in this regard, lightweight materials such as composites offer the most suitable solution due to their considerably lower density. In view of this, multi-material designs exploit the material with desired properties for each part of the automotive component. However, the need for the next generation of novel hybrid metal-composite components brings along major challenges regarding the joints between different material types. This is the driving force behind the MetalMorphosis research project, which was carried out at the Belgian Welding Institute in collaboration with 8 European research and industrial partners.
This article first presents a short overview of the objectives targeted in the MetalMorphosis research project. Subsequently, the joining design concepts developed and research related to the hybrid metal-composite tubular and sheet joints using the electromagnetic pulse technology, will be addressed. Finally, the development of a brake pedal and a shock absorber, both consisting of metal-composite hybrid components, is highlighted.
Het project MICROSOUD provides service and knowledge to companies about the modern micro welding technologies and associated quality control.
Did you already had to deal with galvanic corrosion?
When two different materials come into contact with each other, the least noble material will undergo accelerated degradation in an aggressive environment. This phenomenon is called galvanic corrosion. In the figure below, you can see for example an accelerated degradation of the aluminium that is joined to a copper tube.
The Belgian Welding Institute will start up a research project to demonstrate the feasibility of quality control using systems for inline, real time defect detection during welding.