Satisfaction survey pre-normative project event WAAMMEC We would appreciate it if, in our efforts to continuously improve our operation, you would help us by expressing your opinion/experience by completing the satisfaction survey below. Final project event Project | Results * GoodSufficientUnsatisfactoryPoor Do these project results/data regarding material properties put you in a better position to implement or consider 3D WAAM printing in your company? * Do these project results/data regarding material properties put you in a better position to implement or consider 3D WAAM printing in your company? - Good Do these project results/data regarding material properties put you in a better position to implement or consider 3D WAAM printing in your company? - Sufficient Do these project results/data regarding material properties put you in a better position to implement or consider 3D WAAM printing in your company? - Unsatisfactory Do these project results/data regarding material properties put you in a better position to implement or consider 3D WAAM printing in your company? - Poor Was the research conducted with sufficient depth? * Was the research conducted with sufficient depth? - Good Was the research conducted with sufficient depth? - Sufficient Was the research conducted with sufficient depth? - Unsatisfactory Was the research conducted with sufficient depth? - Poor Were the presentations sufficiently in-depth and at the same time sufficiently practical? * Were the presentations sufficiently in-depth and at the same time sufficiently practical? - Good Were the presentations sufficiently in-depth and at the same time sufficiently practical? - Sufficient Were the presentations sufficiently in-depth and at the same time sufficiently practical? - Unsatisfactory Were the presentations sufficiently in-depth and at the same time sufficiently practical? - Poor Do you have a better understanding of what standards are available or their status to apply WAAM concretely? * Do you have a better understanding of what standards are available or their status to apply WAAM concretely? - Good Do you have a better understanding of what standards are available or their status to apply WAAM concretely? - Sufficient Do you have a better understanding of what standards are available or their status to apply WAAM concretely? - Unsatisfactory Do you have a better understanding of what standards are available or their status to apply WAAM concretely? - Poor Was there enough space for questions and discussions? * Was there enough space for questions and discussions? - Good Was there enough space for questions and discussions? - Sufficient Was there enough space for questions and discussions? - Unsatisfactory Was there enough space for questions and discussions? - Poor Was the event practically well organised (venue, reception, catering, .... ) * Was the event practically well organised (venue, reception, catering, .... ) - Good Was the event practically well organised (venue, reception, catering, .... ) - Sufficient Was the event practically well organised (venue, reception, catering, .... ) - Unsatisfactory Was the event practically well organised (venue, reception, catering, .... ) - Poor Specify below if insufficient or poor Future perspective * YesNoPotentially Would you possibly take up contact in the future to perform material characterisation or (standards) technical WAAM advice at the Belgian Welding Institute or Ugent? * Would you possibly take up contact in the future to perform material characterisation or (standards) technical WAAM advice at the Belgian Welding Institute or Ugent? - Yes Would you possibly take up contact in the future to perform material characterisation or (standards) technical WAAM advice at the Belgian Welding Institute or Ugent? - No Would you possibly take up contact in the future to perform material characterisation or (standards) technical WAAM advice at the Belgian Welding Institute or Ugent? - Potentially Were the demonstrations and the tour an added value to this event? * Were the demonstrations and the tour an added value to this event? - Yes Were the demonstrations and the tour an added value to this event? - No Were the demonstrations and the tour an added value to this event? - Potentially Among the (future) research topics presented, were there ideas that could interest your company? * Among the (future) research topics presented, were there ideas that could interest your company? - Yes Among the (future) research topics presented, were there ideas that could interest your company? - No Among the (future) research topics presented, were there ideas that could interest your company? - Potentially Do you have any other suggestions for future projects? * Do you have any other suggestions for future projects? - Yes Do you have any other suggestions for future projects? - No Do you have any other suggestions for future projects? - Potentially Please specify if yes General What sector are you active in * Research/educational institution Company that may want to apply WAAM Company already using WAAM Additive Manufacturing (AM) in general Welding robot or software for WAAM Other, please specify below Can you indicate your general satisfaction of the event? (1= Very dissatisfied - 5 = Very satisfied) * 1 2 3 4 5 If you have any other matters to report, please mention them in the field below Your e-mail address (optional) Leave this field blank Indienen