Become a member

Benefit from our welding expertise!

Research and Innovation

First-hand information on:

  • detailed information on projects or promising welding techniques
  • free acces to the online technical database of the IIW (International Insitute of Welding)

Technologic welding consultancy, Standards

Free advise and use of

  • Small Enterprise (< 50 FTE): 4 hours
  • Medium-sized Enterprise (50 < 250 FTE): 6 hours
  • Large Enterprise (≥ 250 FTE): 8 hours
  • Educational Institutions: 2 hours

Training, Publications

  • Reduction on BWI training courses, seminars and workshops
  • Reduction on specific BIL items in the Infotheek/Infothèque (Dutch/French)
  • Free subscription to the specialist journal METALLERIE (Dutch/French)
  • Preferential tariff to the specialist journal LASTECHNIEK (Dutch)

For rent

BIL Soldamatic: state-of-the-art augmented training for welding (Dutch/French)
BIL Welding cobot: a small, flexible, compact, simple welding robot (Dutch/French)

Membership fee from 01/01/2025

Your yearly membership fee depends upon the size of your company (number of FTE) and is assigned per unique VAT number. This benefits package is valid from the day of request and remains valid for one (1) year.

Definition conform European Classification, prices exclusive of 21% VAT

  • Small Enterprises (< 50 FTE): € 599,00
  • Medium-sized Enterprises (50 < 250 FTE): € 1.197,00
  • Large Enterprises (≥ 250 FTE): € 1.795,00
  • Educational Institutions: € 180,00

How register for membership?

Become a BWI member by filling out this webform


The Belgian Welding Institute (BWI) is your partner in all possible problems related to your (welded) application, from design, during production and in service, up to after damage has occured.

Next to the financial benefits, members of the BWI will enjoy priority access to new welding or materials weldability information, be it on projects, techniques, courses, seminars or other.