Form Membership BWI

Thank you for filling out the below form to request your BWI membership.
Rates valid from 01/01/2025.

  • The yearly membership fee depends upon the size of your company (number of FTE) and is assigned per unique VAT number.
    The benefits package is valid from the day of request and remains valid for one year.
Company / Educational Institution
Membership fee 2025
prices 21% VAT excl.
Small enterprises < 50 VTE € 599,00
Medium-sized enterprises 50 < 250 VTE € 1.197,00
Large enterprises ≥ 250 VTE € 1.795,00
Educational Institutions - € 180,00


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Billing instructions
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Contact Membership BWI
This person is the primary contact for questions regarding membership of BWI. Moreover, company invitations (e.g. General Meeting invitation BWI) will be sent to this specific contact.
Dutch and French Edition only
Address for sending Journal METALLERIE
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